Friday, June 28, 2013

To Have and ‘Haev’ Not

With apologies to Ernest Hemingway, Humphrey Bogart, Walter Brennan, and Lauren Bacall.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


After 34 years, the offset press Heidelberg SORM at Penn State Multimedia & Print Center was retired. Acquired on May 14, 1979, she was a single color press, and had made 83,755,238 impressions by June 19th, 2013. The last job run was a publication for the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) held at Penn State. If you look closely on some of the photos, you can see one of the plates for that job was still hung on the press.
We salvaged some parts to use on our Heidelberg Z-press, and what remained was taken to Lion Surplus, Penn State’s surplus and salvage, to be sold.

Below are some photos I took while she was waiting quietly amid the busy sounds of the other presses and bindery equipment.