While searching through a box of my son’s Legos for people to use as part of an art project, I came across this pin. I must have picked it up at a trade show, very likely On-Demand in Philadelphia in the early 90’s. I would brought back bags of nifty free give-aways for my wife and son — usually pens, highlighters, mousepads, and such from my visits with the vendors there. We used the the Aldus products PressWise and TrapWise for many years at work. Finding this pin brought back fond memories of the early days of Penn State Printing Services.
“The Aldus Prepress Group was started by Ranjit Mulgaonkar and Michael Reiher in 1990. Under the leadership of Ranjit Mulgaonkar in three years time the group built the industries first desktop prepress software to perform operations such as color separation, imposition, trapping and automated work-flow. The Aldus Prepress products were used by trade shops and service bureaus around the world. These products were also OEMed by print industry Giants like DuPont (1993) and Agfa (1993). After the Adobe acquisition/merger of Aldus Corporation, the product-line was acquired by Luminous Corporation on January 12, 1996.”
Watch videos of their products here.