Saturday, January 29, 2011

Earworm of the Day: k.d. lang’s Constant Craving

“Even through the darkest phase
Be it thick or thin
Always someone marches brave
Here beneath my skin . . .”

The rest of the lyrics can be found here. Watch a video of the song here.

Image of the Day: Pterodactyl Ice

In our travels today we came across several of these ice-covered grape vines; they reminded me of mini-pterodactyls in flight.

Shorpy: Shave Yourself

via shorpy

Atlantic City, New Jersey, circa 1908. The Boardwalk at night. 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

View full size here.

First Editions of Peter Rabbit

via The Cataloguer's Desk

“One of the most popular children’s books of all time, The Tale of Peter Rabbit has sold more than 45 million copies over the past century.  As well as being a beloved children’s story, the book’s publication history is very interesting, with two private printings appearing before the first commercial edition. ”

Read the rest, and see more images from the private printings, here. Perhaps it is just the angled view of the pictured spread, but the expressions on the rabbits faces reminds me very much of Rosemary Wells’ series of books featuring Max the rabbit.

BBC’s Dimensions

via veryshortlist

“According to its creators at the London-based BERG firm, Dimensions is a Google Map–based ‘experimental prototype’ designed for the BBC’s always-expanding, ever-impressive website. ‘We want to bring home the human scale of events and places in history,’ the designers write. ‘How far would the Titanic stretch down your street?’ You can pick dozens of structures, or other space-based things or phenomena, which are split into nine categories—Space, Ancient Worlds, Cities in History, WWII, and so forth—and lay them over your own address, or any other. Some, like the area affected by the Chernobyl cloud, are unfathomably large—much bigger than we imagined them to be before plugging our hometowns into BERG’s prototype.”

Visit the Very Short List here; the BBC’s Dimensions site here.

Topps Nutty Initial Stickers, 1967

via we love typography

Norman Saunders’ original paintings for the stickers, high resolution version here.

I remember having a few of these stickers as a child. I think that they were only like about an inch tall, came on a sheet with several others, and were in a pack of trading cards.

Cire Trudon Stink Bombs

via notcot

Read all about Cire Trudonthe oldest candle company in the world, and their stink bombs here; lovely photography at the site.